Members of Nash Morning Show “Ty, Kelly & Chuck” to Be Back On Air March 6 to Recount Car Wreck

Members of Nash Morning Show “Ty, Kelly & Chuck” to Be Back On Air March 6 to Recount Car Wreck

The co-hosts of NASH morning show Ty, Kelly & Chuck—Ty Bentli, Chuck Wicks and Kelly Ford—and the show’s producer, Glenn Johnson, were involved in a serious single-car accident Monday night (Feb. 27) while traveling from Columbus, Miss., to New Orleans, where they were scheduled to be grand marshals in the Mardi Gras parade today.

Chuck Wicks recovering in the hospital after the wreck.

While driving through a downpour, the car they were traveling in hydroplaned and rolled twice before ending up in a ditch. Although bumped and bruised, Ty, Kelly and Glenn sustained non-life threatening physical injuries, while Chuck suffered a fractured skull and fractured vertebrae in his C2 region. The good news is that Chuck suffered no paralysis and he has been released from the hospital. He expects to be “wearing a neck brace for about three months with a lot of discomfort for awhile.

On Monday, March 6, Ty, Kelly and producer Glenn are expected to return to the studio for the first time since the accident and talk on-air about their ordeal. Depending on how Chuck feels, he may stop by the studio or phone in.

We look forward to having all of our co-workers back in the office very soon.


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