Randy Travis’ Team Issues Petition to Block the Release of His Naked DWI Arrest Video From 2012


Randy Travis’ Team Issues Petition to Block the Release of His Naked DWI Arrest Video From 2012

Randy Travis’ wife, Mary Davis-Travis, posted a message on Facebook on Nov. 29 that asks fans to sign a petition to block the release of dashboard video footage of Randy’s 2012 DWI arrest.

The video was filmed by police in 2012 after Randy crashed his 1988 Trans Am outside of Tioga, Texas. Randy was reportedly lying naked in the road and belligerent to officers. Randy’s blood-alcohol level was 0.21—more than twice the legal limit to operate a motor vehicle—and he later pleaded guilty to driving while intoxicated.

Normally, the video footage would be a matter of public record—with the nudity redacted—but there are a lot of ins and outs, notably:

  • Randy suffered a concussion during the crash and his lawyer contends the video violates HIPPA laws.
  • Randy suffered a stroke in 2013 and has no “present ability to comment on the tape or defend himself if necessary.”

Randy’s legal team, which has exhausted its options on the state level, has turned to the federal courts in an effort to keep the video private.

The petition on Change.org, which has been signed by more than 2,100 people, will be presented to the Texas Attorney General.

Read Mary Davis-Travis’ Facebook message below, which includes a link to sign the petition.

photo by Tammie Arroyo, AFF-USA.com


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